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MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computationally intensive tasks faster than with traditional programming languages.

  1. Create a MATLAB Script

    First, you need to create a MATLAB script (a .m file) using any text editor. For this tutorial, we'll create a file named myscript.m:

    % MATLAB Script
    disp('Hello, World!')
    x = 5;
    y = 6;

  2. Submit your MATLAB job

    Create your submission script:
    #SBATCH -J matlab           # job name
    #SBATCH -o log_slurm.o%j    # output and error file name (%j expands to jobID)
    #SBATCH -n 1                # total number of tasks requested
    #SBATCH -N 1                # number of nodes you want to run on
    #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1
    #SBATCH -p bsudfq           # queue (partition)
    #SBATCH -t 12:00:00         # run time (hh:mm:ss)
    # Load the MATLAB module
    module load matlab
    # Run the script
    matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('myscript.m'); exit;"

    And submit this script using


  3. Check Output

    The output of the above job will be saved to a file called log_slurm.o###### where ###### is replaced with the slurm job id. You should see something like the following in the output:

    Hello, World!

Using MATLAB in OnDemand

Currently OnDemand is available for Borah After opening the terminal application on the desktop, here is an example of the commands to open MATLAB:

module load matlab
And the resulting MATLAB GUI will open in a new window as shown here: Borah OnDemand desktop with MATLAB GUI open


  • MATLAB Documentation: Official documentaion
  • MATLAB Central: Forum to ask questions and learn from other MATLAB users and experts.
  • MATLAB Onramp: A free two-hour introductory tutorial that allows you to learn and practice using MATLAB interactively.
  • MATLAB Examples: A collection of code examples for a variety of MATLAB functions.